Research Units
Students must complete a research contract in order to obtain CRD 099/199 units. Contracts can be found here.
All completed contracts (signed by Faculty Sponsor/Principal Investigator: PI) must be returned to Jana Krezo via email.
Department deadline for Fall, Winter, Spring: 2 business days before the 10th day of instruction
Deadline for Summer Sessions I & II: 2 business days before the last day to add
Required Hours: during fall, winter, spring (10-week term)
30 hours (3 hrs/wk) = 1 unit
60 hours (6 hrs/wk) = 2 units
90 hours (9 hrs/wk) = 3 units
120 hours (12 hrs/wk) = 4 units
Required Hours: during regular summer sessions (6-week term)
30 hours (5 hrs/wk) = 1 unit
60 hours (10 hrs/wk) = 2 units
90 hours (15 hrs/wk) = 3 units
120 hours (20 hrs/wk) = 4 units
CRD Faculty Research
Brazil, Noli – Consequences of large-scale urban trends and interventions, focusing on inequality, particularly at the neighborhood level; the residential mobility of young adults, with a focus on its determinants and consequences for neighborhood attainment and individual health and socioeconomic status; Hispanic migration, specifically its consequences on children and its broader impact on population redistribution in the United States
Brinkley, Catherine – Healthy food access, farm-city networks, on-farm clean energy solutions, One Health, place-based public health intervention, econometric amenity evaluation
Cannon, Clare – Political economy and the environment, global and urban sustainability, gender and society, feminist and queer theories, and quantitative methodologies
Galt, Ryan – People-environment geography, cultural and political ecology, agricultural and environmental governance, political economy of sustainable agriculture; cartographic design
Kenney, Martin – Globalization, venture capital, development of innovative clusters, evolution of high-technology industries, the relocation of services to developing nations
Koundinya, Vikram – Program evaluation, needs assessments and other extension educational processes
London, Jonathan – Environmental justice, environmental/natural resource policy, community and youth participation, political ecology, rural development, social movements
Visser, M. Anne – The informal economy, non-standard work arrangements, low wage labor markets, governance, the role of state and non-state actors in promoting urban economic development and social equality and equity through policy and advocacy