Limited Distribution

20.         2004      E.W. Larsen. Meander Bend And Gravel Bar Migration Near River Mile 192.75 Of The Sacramento River. Phase I report prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-PO8-D, Amendment 2. Steering Committee Technical Memorandum.


21.         2004      E.W. Larsen. Meander Bend Migration near River Mile 178 of the Sacramento River. Report for river Partners, Chico, California.


22.         2005      E.W. Larsen. Future Meander Bend Migration and Floodplain Development Patterns near River Miles 241 To 235, Sacramento River. 2005. Report prepared for River Partners, Technical Memorandum for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-P39.


23.         2005      E.W. Larsen. Meander Bend Migration Near River Mile 178 of the Sacramento River. Report prepared for River Partners, Technical Memorandum for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-P39.


24.         2005      E.W. Larsen. Future Meander Bend Migration And Floodplain Development Patterns Near River Miles 200 To 191 Of The Sacramento River. Phase II report prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-PO8-D, Amendment 2. Steering Committee Technical Memorandum.


25.         2005      E.W. Larsen. Future Meander Bend Migration and Floodplain Development Patterns near River Mile 241 to 235, Sacramento River. Report for River Partners, Chico, California.


26.         2005      E.W. Larsen. Future Meander Bend Migration And Floodplain Development Patterns Near River Miles 200 To 191 Of The Sacramento River. Phase III report prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-PO8-D, Amendment 2. Steering Committee Technical Memorandum.


27.         2006      Winter, S.M. and E.W. Larsen. Sediment Retention on a Deltaic Floodplain in Response to Climate and Land-Use Changes. Report for the California Tahoe Conservancy.


28.         2006      Young, A., Larsen, E.W., Girvetz, E. and A. Fremier. Evaluating River Restoration Design Using a Meander Migration Model on the Trinity River, California. Report for the Department of Water Resources.


29.         2006      Larsen, E.W. and M. Rains. Meander Migration Model Assessment for The 50- And 100-Year Storms,Whitman Property, San Antonio Creek, Ventura County, California. Coshow Environmental, INC.


30.         2006      Larsen, E.W. and M. Rains. Meander Migration Model Assessment for the January 2005 Storm, Whitman Property, San Antonio Creek, Ventura County, California. 2006. Coshow Environmental, INC.


31.         2007      Larsen, E.W. Predicting Modes and Magnitude of River Channel Migrationand Chute Cutoff Based on Bend Geometry, Sacramento River, California, USA. Report for the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, 28 pp.


32.         2007      Larsen, E.W. Sacramento River Ecological Flows Study: Meander Migration Modeling. Final Report. Prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program. Sacramento, CA. 104 pp. View this Article


33.         2008      Larsen, E.W. Modeling Revetment Removal and Implications for Meander Migration of Selected Bends River Miles 222 To 179 of the Sacramento River. Report prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-PO8-D. Technical Memorandum, 31 pp.


34.         2008      Larsen, E.W. Simulated Channel Migration (2007-2057) near River Miles 197 To 191 of the Sacramento River. Report prepared for CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program, Agreement #ERP-02-PO8-D, Technical Memorandum, 13 pp.


35.         2008      Larsen, E.W. Chinook Bend Channel Migration Modeling Study. Prepared for King County Department of Natural Resources, Seattle, Washington; and the Wild Fish Conservancy, Duvall, Washington, 44 pp.


36.         2008      Larsen, E.W. Rumsey Rancheria Flood Inundation Technical Study. Prepared for James Zanetto, Architect & Planner and Rumsey Indian Rancheria, 24 pp.


37.         2009      Fremier, A.K., Viers, J.H., Hutchinson, R.A. and E.W. Larsen. Shifts in Species Composition as Interpreted Through Floodplain Age on the Sacramento River. A Technical Report to the CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Program. 26 pp.           


38.         2010      Larsen, E.W. Llano Seco Riparian Sanctuary Channel Study: Meander Bend Migration and Cutoff Modeling. Final Report, Prepared for River Partners, Chico CA., 25 pp.


39.         2010      Larsen, E.W. Sacramento River Ecological Flows Study: HEC-RAS cross sections and matching stage-discharge curves for use in the SacEFT v.2 Model of riparian initiation. Final Report Prepared for ESSA Technologies. Vancouver, Canada, 44 pp.


40.         2010      Larsen, E.W. Review Summary of Selected Software Packages for ecosystem Habitat and Attribute Modeling. USACE Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Vicksberg, Mississippi, 78 pp.


41.         2010      Larsen, E.W. Modeling Response to Flow Changes for Cottonwood Initiation and Chinook Salmon Redd Dewatering on the Upper Sacramento River with Environmental Flow and Ecosystem Processes Modeling Software Packages. USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). Davis, CA, 54 pp.


42.         2010      Larsen, E.W. Middle Sacramento River Meander Bend Attributes and Ecosystem Health Indicator Metrics. Technical Report For Chico State University Chico Research Foundation, Chico, CA 95928, 33 pp.


43.         2011      Larsen, E.W., Horner, T. and E. Ringelberg. 2010 Cache Creek Annual Status Report. Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Natural Resources Division. Woodland, CA, 130 pp.


44.         2012      Larsen, E.W., Horner, T. and E. Ringelberg. 2011 Cache Creek Annual Status Report. Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Natural Resources Division. Woodland, CA, 135 pp.


45.         2012      Larsen, E.W. Modeling Meander Migration for Assessing Impacts and Benefits of Channel Management Scenarios, Middle Sacramento River, California. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 59 pp.


46.         2012      California Department of Water Resources. 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan: Attachment 9B: Status and Trends of the Riparian and Riverine Ecosystems of the Systemwide Planning Area. Central Valley Flood Management Planning Program, 155 pp.


47.         2012      Larsen, E.W. Geomorphic Changes in Lower Cache Creek 2012. Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Natural Resources Division. Woodland, CA, 20 pp.


48.         2013      Larsen, E.W., Martin, J. and M. Tompkins. 2012 Cache Creek Annual Status Report. Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Natural Resources Division. Woodland, CA, 49 pp.


49.         2014      Larsen, E.W., Martin, J. and M. Tompkins. 2013 Cache Creek Annual Status Report. Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Natural Resources Division. Woodland, CA. 329 pp. (with appendices). View this Article


50.         2017      Meander Migration Modeling - JP iRIC Video Tutorial #000 Loading the software. 2017. Duration 8.58 minutes.


51.         2017      Meander Migration Modeling - JP iRIC Video Tutorial #00 Brief Overview How it works. 2017. Duration 7:26 minutes.


52.         2016      Meander Migration Modeling - JP iRIC Video Tutorial #1 Importing Centerlines. Duration 15.22 minutes. 2016.


53.         2016      Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #2 Calculation Conditions.  Duration 16.34 minutes. 2016.


54.         2016      Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #3 Calibration – Choosing the centerlines. Duration 17:54 minutes. 2016.


55.         2016      Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #4 Calibration –Using a polygon erodibility map. Duration 29:41 minutes.


56.         2016      Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #5:  Adding to a polygon erodibility map.  Duration 18:04 minutes.


57.         2017      Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #6 Calibration – Using smoothing to calibrate. Duration 27:36 minutes.


58.         2017 Meander Migration Modeling - JP iRIC Video Tutorial #9 Modeling cutoff - A first example. Duration 17:01 minutes.


59.         2017 Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #11 Geometric parameters output by iRIC. 2017. Duration 14:43 minutes.


60.         2017 Meander Migration Modeling – JP iRIC Video Tutorial #13 Best Management Practices. 2017. Duration 17:08 minutes.