Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coursework Hours

Below is a list of classes that qualify for at least some ECE hours.  Students who have successfully completed any of the classes listed below can use this information to provide evidence of completed Early Childhood Education hours.

Please be aware that this information is subject to change, as instructors change and/or make revisions to course content that impacts the focus on early childhood and this is not a guarantee that that your program will accept this information.

Beginning 2021, the information below is approved to satisfy hours toward ECE in the following amounts:

HDE 100A/100AV (Infancy and Early Childhood (Child/human growth and development)  - 40 quarter hours, 4 units
HDE 101(Cognitive Development) - about 30 hours, 3 units   
HDE 102 (Social and Personality development) - about 20 hours,  2 units.
HDE 103 (Cross Cultural Study of Children) - about 10 hours, 1 unit
HDE 130 (Emotionally Disturbed Children) - about 10 hours,  1 unit
HDE 140 (Communication and Interaction with Young Children) - discontinued/cancelled beginning winter 2021 - no longer applicable to ECE
HDE 140L (Laboratory in Early Childhood) - effective winter 2021, this course is taught in a new format as a 4 academic unit course - 120 hours, 12 units
HDE 110 (Contemporary American Family) – about 20 hours, 2 units. 

The information below is approved to satisfy hours toward ECE for academic years 2014-2020, in the following amounts:

HDE 100A (Infancy and Early Childhood (Child/human growth and development)  - 40 quarter hours, 4 units
HDE 101 (Cognitive Development) - about 30 hours, 3 units   
HDE 102 (Social and Personality development) - about 20 hours,  2 units
HDE 103 (Cross Cultural Study of Children) - about 10 hours, 1 unit
HDE 130 (Emotionally Disturbed Children) - about 10 hours,  1 unit
HDE 140 (Communication and Interaction with Young Children) - about 20 hours of lecture,  2 units
HDE 140L (Laboratory in Early Childhood) – this is variable-unit lab course; all units count; students may enroll in 3-5 units
HDE 110 (Contemporary American Family) – about 20 hours, 2 units. 

For questions, please contact:

Leah Hibel, HDE Lead Faculty Advisor