Pre-Approved Restricted Electives for LDA

Landscape Architecture Major (LDA) Pre-Approved Upper-Division Electives


Students should develop their own clusters of elective courses for the LDA major totaling at least 20 units, and are encouraged to meet with staff or faculty advisors for advice. The following courses are pre-approved; to get approval for others see the LDA Lead Faculty Advisor.


Society, Culture, and Sustainability

Ecological Systems and Restoration

Design and Building

Government and Planning


Society, Culture, and Sustainability

AMS 139: Feminist Cultural Studies

AMS 151: American Landscapes & Places

AMS 153: The Individual & Community in America

AMS 156: Race, Culture, & Society in the United States

ANT 100: Theory in Social-Cultural Anthropology

ANT 101: Ecology, Nature, and Society

ANT 103: Indigenous Peoples & Natural Resource Conservation 

ANT 104N: Culture Politics of the Environment

ANT 126B: Women & Development

ANT 127: Urban Anthropology

ANT 128A: Kinship & Social Organization

ANT 130A: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization

ANT 130BN: Migration & the Politics of Place & Identity 

ANT 131: Ecology and Politics

ANT 144: Contemporary Societies & Cultures of Latin America

ANT 145: Performance, Embodiment, & Space in South Asia

ASA 100: Asian American Communities

ASA 114: Asian Diasporas

CHI 125S: Latino Families in the Age of Globalization: Migration & Transculturation

CHI 130: United States-Mexican Border Relations

CHI 131: Chicanas in Politics and Public Policy

CHI 135S: Transnational Latina/o Political Economy

CHI 141: Community-Based Participatory Research & Chicana/o & Latina/o Health

CHI 147S: Indigenous Healing & Biodiversity in Latin America

CHI 148: Decolonizing Spirit 

ECN 115A: Economic Development

ECN 133Y: Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy (offered irregularly)

ECN 145: Transportation Economics

EDU 122: Children, Learning, & Material Culture

EDU 142: Introduction to Environmental Education 

GSW 139: Feminist Cultural Studies

GSW 148: Science, Gender, & Social Justice

HDE 104: Children in Families, Schools, & Communities

HDE 110: Contemporary American Family

HDE 131: Thriving Across the Lifespan

HDE 134: Disparities & Inequalities in Health & Wellbeing

HDE 137: Contextual Determinants of Health

HIS 108: Global Environmental History

HIS 109: Environmental Change, Disease, & Public Health\

HIS 110A: Colonialism & the Making of the Modern World

HIS 115E: Slavery, Africa, & the Atlantic World

HIS 170A: Colonial America

HIS 171A: Slavery, Society, & Expansion in the Early U.S.

HIS 173: Becoming an American: Immigration & American Culture

HIS 177A/B: History of Black People & American Race Relations

HIS 178: Water in the West: Environment & Politics in America's Arid Lands

HIS 179: Asian American History

HIS 189: California History

NAS 101: Contemporary Native American Art

NAS 115: Native Americans in the Contemporary World

NAS 122: Native American Community Development

NAS 123: Native Foods & Farming of the Americas

NAS 134: Race, Culture, & Nation

NAS 161: California Indian environmental Policy I

NAS 162: California Indian Environmental Policy II

NAS 165: Keepers of the Flame: Native American Cultural Burning & Land Stewardship in California

PHI 120: Environmental Ethics (offered irregularly)

SOC 100: Origins of Modern Sociological Thought

SOC 125: Sociology of Culture

SOC 126: Social Interaction

SOC 143A: Urban Society

SOC 143B: Sociology of City Life (offered irregularly)

SOC 144: Agriculture & Society

SOC 160: Sociology of the Environment

SOC 162: Society, Culture, & Health

SOC 163: Population Health: Social Determinants & Disparities in Health

SOC 172: Intersections of Race, Gender, & Class

SOC 185: Social Policy 


Ecological Systems and Restoration

ENH 100: Urban Forestry

ENH 102: Physiological Principles in Environmental Horticulture

ENH 105: Taxonomy & Ecology of Environmental Plant Families

ENH 120: Management of Container Media

ENH 133: Woody Plants in the Landscape: Growth, Ecology and Management

ENH 150: Genetics & Plant Conservation: The Biodiversity Crisis

ENH 160: Restoration Ecology

ENH 160L: Restoration Ecology Laboratory

ESM 100: Principles of Hydrologic Science

ESM 108: Environmental Monitoring

ESM 110: Irrigation Systems & Water Management

ESM 120: Global Environment

ESM 121: Water Science and Management

ESM 131: Air as a Resource

ESM 141: Role of Fire in Natural Ecosystems

ESM 144: Trees and Forests

ESM 185: Aerial Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing

ESM 186: Environmental Remote Sensing

ESP 101: Ecology, Nature, & Society

ESP 104: Community Ecology

ESP 127: Plant Conservation Biology

ESP 160: The Policy Process

ESP 161: Environmental Law

ESP 162: Environmental Policy

ESP 163/ECI 163: Energy and Environmental Aspects of Transportation

ESP 165: Climate Policy

ESP 167: Energy Policy

ESP 169: Water Policy and Politics

EVE 117: Plant Ecology

EVE 119: Population Biology of Invasive Plants & Weeds

EVE 138: Ecology of Tropical Latitudes

EVE 147: Biogeography

EVE 149: Evolution of Ecological Systems

GEL 115: Earth Science, History, and People (offered irregularly)

GEL 130: Non-Renewable Natural Resources (offered irregularly)

GEL 134: Environmental Geology and Land Use Planning

GEL 136: Ecogeomorphology of Rivers & Streams

GEL 144: Historical Ecology

HYD 110: Irrigation Systems & Water Management

HYD 124: Plant-Water-Soil Relationships

HYD 150: Water Law

HYD 182: Environmental Analysis Using GIS

LDA 130: Plants in the City

LDA 140/141/142

LDA 150: Geographic Information Systems for Land Planners

LDA 172: Architectural Design

LDA: Other upper-division LDA classes on a space-available basis.

MUS 118: Music & Nature

PLS 101: Agriculture & the Environment

PLS 102: California Floristics

PLS 105: Concepts in Pest Management 

PLS 110: Crop Management Systems for Vegetable Production

PLS 111: Principles of Agronomic Crop Production Systems 

PLS 112: Forage Crop Production

PLS 130: Rangelands: Ecology, Conservation and Restoration

PLS 141: Ethnobotany

PLS 144: Trees & Forests

PLS 147: California Plant Communities 

PLS 147L: California Plant Communities Field Study (Must be taken during same quarter or after PLS 147)

PLS 150: Sustainability and Agroecosystem Management

PLS 160: Agroforestry: Global and Local Perspectives (offered every even fall quarter)

PLS 162: Urban Ecology

PLS 163: Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology

PLS 171: Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation

PLS 176: Introduction to Weed Science

PLS 190: Seminar on Alternatives in Agriculture

PLS 193: Garden & Farm-Based Experiential Education Methods 

SSC 100: Principles of Soil Science

SSC 105: Field Studies in California Ecosystems

SSC 109: Sustainable Nutrient Management

SSC 112L Soil Ecology

SSC 118: Soils in Land Use and the Environment

WFC 100: Field Methods in Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation

WFC 101/L: Field Research in Wildlife Ecology

WFC 125: Tropical Ecology & Conservation

WFC 126: Conservation in Working Landscapes

WFC 150: Urban Wildlife Ecology

WFC 151: Wildlife Ecology

WFC 152: Ecology of Human—Wildlife Conflict

WFC 154: Conservation Biology

WFC 155L: Habitat Conservation and Restoration

WFC 156: Plant Geography

WFC 157: Coastal Ecosystems

WFC 168: Climate Change Ecology 


Design and Building

ART 101A-E: Intermediate Painting series

ART 103AN:-C: Intermediate Drawing series

ART 110A-C: Intermediate Photography series

ART 114A-C: Intermediate Video series

ART 125A-E: Intermediate Printmaking series

ART 142A-D: Intermediate Ceramic Sculpture

ART 149: Introduction to Critical Theory

ART 151: Intermediate Sculpture

ART 152E: Site Specific Public Sculpture

AHI 120A: Art, Architecture, and Human Rights

AHI 121: Politics of Public Art

AHI 122: Sex & Space 

AHI 130: Landscape, Nature, and Art

AHI 154: The Hindu Temple

AHI 155: The Islamic City

AHI 168: Great Cities

AHI 172A: Early Greek Art & Architecture

AHI 172B: Later Greek Art & Architecture

AHI 173: Roman Art & Architecture

AHI 178B: Early Italian Renaissance Art & Architecture

AHI 178C: High and Late Italian Renaissance Art & Architecture

AHI 181: Latin American Art & Architecture 

AHI 184: Twentieth Century Architecture

AHI 187: Contemporary Architecture

AHI 188A: The American Home

AHI 188B: Architecture of the United States

CDM 103: Interactivity & Animation

CDM 111: Community Media Production

CDM 113: Community Networks & Social Media

CDM 130: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

CDM 158: Technology & the Modern American Body 

CTS 116: Design on Screen

CTS 162: Surveillance Technologies & Social Media

DES 126: Design Ethnography

DES 127A: Sustainable Design

DES 127B: Studio Practice in Sustainable Design

DES 128A/B: Biodesign Theory & Practice

DES 134A/B: Introduction to Interior Design

DES 135A/B: Furniture Design

DES 136A: Lighting Technology & Design

DES 138: Materials & Methods in Interior Design 

DES 141: Cultural Studies of Fashion

DES 144: History of Interior Architecture

DES 145: History of Visual Communication

DES 146: Mobilities

DES 149: Information Design

DES 150: Computer Assisted Presentations for Interior Architecture

DES 156: Graphitecture - Architecture in the Age of New Media

DES 166: Human Centered Design

DES 185: Exhibition Design

DES 186: Environmental Graphic Design 

DES 187: Narrative EnvironmentsECI 100: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics for Civil & Environmental Engineering

ECI 123: Urban Systems and Sustainability

ECI 130: Structural Analysis

ECI 136: Building Design

ECI 137: Construction Principles & Project Management

ECI 161: Transportation System Operations

ECI 163: Energy and Environmental Aspects of Transportation

ECI 164: Introduction to Electric Vehicles

ECI 165: Transportation Policy

MSA 111A: Great Cities of Arab Middle East & South Asia


Government and Planning

ABT 181N: Concepts & Methods in Geographic Information Systems

CRD 118: Technology and Society

CRD 140: Dynamics of Regional Development

CRD 141: Organization of Economic Space

CRD 142: Rural Change in the Industrialized World

CRD 147: Community Youth Development

CRD 149: Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice

CRD 150: Quantitative Methods in Community Research

CRD 151: Community Field Research: Theory and Analysis

CRD 152: Community Development

CRD 156: Community Economic Development

CRD 157: Politics and Community Development

CRD 158: Small Community Governance

CRD 164: Theories of Organizations and Their Role in Community Change

CRD 171: Housing and Social Policy

CRD 172: Social Inequality

CRD 180: Transnational Community Development

ESP 171: Urban & Regional Planning

ESP 172: Public Lands Management

ESP 173: Land Use & Growth Controls

ESP 174: Environmental Justice Policy & Practice

ESP 179: Environmental Impact Assessment

ESP 179L: Environmental Impact Reporting Using GIS

HMR 120A: Art, Architecture, & Human Rights

HMR 132: Human Rights & the Refugee

HMR 135: Human Rights Tools for Advocacy & Practice

HMR 138: Human Rights, Gender, & Sexuality

HMR 162: Human Rights & Indigenous Peoples

POL 100: Local Government and Politics

POL 102: Urban Public Policy

POL 104: California State Government & Politics

POL 105: The Legislative Process

POL 107: Environmental Politics and Administration

POL 108: Policy Making in the Public Sector

POL 109: Public Policy and the Governmental Process

POL 123: The Politics of Interdependence

POL 124: The Politics of Global Inequality 

POL 140E: Policy-Making Processes

POL 140F: Experiments in Social Change

POL 142A: Comparative Development: Political Development in Modernizing Societies

POL 142B: Comparative Development: Politics and Inequality

POL 152: The Constitutional Politics of the Equality

POL 171: The Politics of Energy

POL 172: American Political Development

POL 175: Science, Technology, & Policy

POL 176: Racial Politics

SPH 101: Introduction to Public Health

SPH 113: Health Disparities in the U.S.

SPH 122: Data Organization & Visualization in Health Informatics


Note: Upper division undergraduates may take graduate courses with permission of the instructor that will count toward upper division electives.