Courses in Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design Program (LDA)
1. Introduction to Environmental Design (4)
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour; term paper. Introduction to the role of design professionals in contributing to the built environment at a range of scales. Introduction to basic methods used by design professionals to evaluate, design, plan, and manage landscapes and the built environment.
2. Place, Culture and Community (4)
Lecture—4 hours. Introduction to recognizing and reading cultural landscapes, and the application of cultural landscape meaning to the creation of contemporary built environments. Topics include patterns and influences relating to agriculture, military, transportation, housing, wilderness, recreation and tourism.
3. Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice (4)
Lecture—2 hours; extensive problem solving—2 hours, discussion—1 hour. Origins, theoretical perspectives, and practical applications of the concept of sustainable development at a number of scales (site, building, neighborhood, city, region, and nation) through lectures, sketch exercises, student projects, walking tours.
21. Environmental Design Representation I (4)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory/discussion—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 1; can be taken concurrently with course 1. Pass One is restricted to Pre-Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Environmental Design majors. Idea expression through graphic media and drawing techniques for visual representation of the built environment, including conventional drafting and expressive techniques. Introduction to computerized graphics techniques.
30. History of Environmental Design (4)
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. History of Environmental Design across disciplines, including landscape architecture, planning, community and urban design.
50. Site Ecology (4)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: Biological Sciences 2B. Pass One restricted to Pre-Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Environmental Design majors. Introduction to ecological concepts, including nutrient dynamics, population regulation, community structure, ecosystem function. Principles will be applied to human activities such as biological conservation, ecological restoration, landscape planning, and management. Weekly laboratory devoted to field exercises in local ecosystems.
60. Grading + Drainage (6)
Studio—8 hour(s); Extensive Problem Solving; Project (Term Project). Prerequisite(s): LDA 070. Pass One restricted to Pre-Landscape Architecture majors. Introduction of landform and topography as landscape medium and utilization of grading and drainage to design meaningful and functional spaces. Intro to site analysis and site planning, with specific attention to topography.
70. Introduction to Spacemaking (4)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory/discussion—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 21. Pass One restricted to Pre-Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Environmental Design majors. Introduction to basic principles of design towards the creation of space. Introduction to design methodologies and skills necessary to define, manipulate, and represent the built environment. Workshops in 2D computer graphic techniques and 3D physical modeling making will reinforce design principles.
101. Advanced Theory in Environmental Design (3)
Lecture/Discussion—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 070 (can be concurrent); or Consent of Instructor. Open to Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Environmental Design majors only. Provides exploration of contemporary theories and philosophies impacting design of landscapes and the built environment. Includes exploring competing definitions of "landscape," "nature," and "culture."
LDA 119 — Environmental Design Representation II (4 units)
Course Description: Methods to explore and communicate environmental design intentions through digital media.
Prerequisite(s): LDA 021; or consent of instructor.
120. Environmental Design Representation III (4)
Studio—6 hour(s); Project (Term Project). Prerequisite(s): LDA 023; or Consent of Instructor. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors. Provides hands-on workshop environment to explore advanced representation and modeling skills. Digital drawing explored as an analytical research method and generative design technique for creating presentation graphics.
140. Green Building, Design, and Materials (4)
Lecture—2 hours; laboratory—4 hours. Prerequisite: course 50, 70. Pass One restricted to Sustainable Environmental Design majors. Sustainable design and construction techniques at site and building scales. Emphasizes real-world case studies, analysis of opportunities for actual sites, and application of LEED and Sustainable Sites green rating systems.
141. Community Participation and Design (4)
Lecture—1 hours; laboratory—3 hours; fieldwork—3 hours; project—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 21, 30, 50, 70. Restricted to Sustainable Environmental Design and Landscape Architecture majors. Introduction to community participation and design. Incorporates social and cultural factors, public and community processes, theories and practices related to human-environment behavior; community involvement in design, social analysis, community engagement, accessibility, diversity and politics of place.
142. Applying Sustainable Strategies (4)
Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours; extensive problem-solving. Prerequisite: course 140, 141. Restricted to Sustainable Environmental Design Majors. Capstone class examines case studies and techniques of sustainable development. Student teams will develop detailed proposals for real-world sites.
150. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (4)
Lecture—3 hour(s); Laboratory—3 hour(s). Pass One restricted to Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Environmental Design majors. Basic concepts, principles, and methods of GIS are presented. Data structures, database design, GIS data creation, GPS, and spatial analysis. May be taught abroad. .
160. Design + Build Studio
Studio—8 hour(s); Extensive Problem Solving; Fieldwork. Prerequisite(s): LDA 001; LDA 002; LDA 003; LDA 021; LDA 030; LDA 050; LDA 070. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors. Introduction to the spatial design and construction of small-scale projects. Hands-on approach to learning and understanding materials (including wood, concrete, and stone) and methods in landscape construction, and the application of technical skills (including detailing, cost estimation, and specifications).
161. Professional Practice + Construction Documents (6)
Studio—8 hour(s); Project (Term Project); Fieldwork. Prerequisite(s): LDA 171. Open to Landscape Architecture majors only. Legal and professional aspects of landscape architecture, including the development of construction documents (drawings and specifications), proposal writing, fee calculations, project management, cost estimation, and insurance.
170. Site Planning + Design Studio (6)
Studio—8 hour(s); Fieldwork. Prerequisite(s): LDA 160. Open to Landscape Architecture majors only. Application of place-making and problem-solving skills to local landscape sites. Analysis of social and environmental conditions in the field. Lectures link design projects to contemporary theories and practices.
171. Urban Design + Planning Studio
Studio—8 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 170. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors. Studio designing large-scale landscapes at regional, sub-regional, and neighborhood scales. Focuses on understanding complex social, economic, and environmental factors, developing sustainability priorities and strategies, and applying them through design and policy.
LDA 172 — Architectural Design (4 units)
Course Description: Conceptual design process as practiced by the discipline of architecture. Concepts of program, massing, structure, building systems and materials. Hand and computer aided drawing and physical model building.
Prerequisite(s): LDA 070 C or better; or consent of Instructor.
182. Advanced Landscape Architecture Studio I (6)
Studio—8 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 171. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors or consent of instructor. Landscape architecture studio featuring advanced studies and applications of creative work, design, technology and/or theory. One day-long field trip required.
183. Advanced Landscape Architecture Studio II (6)
Studio—8 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 171. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors or consent of instructor. Landscape architecture studio featuring advanced studies and applications of creative work, design, technology and/or theory. One day-long field trip required.
184. Capstone Landscape Architecture Studio (6)
Studio—8 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 183. Restricted to Landscape Architecture majors or consent of instructor. Capstone studio that synthesizes learning objectives within the senior-level Landscape Architecture studio sequence. Students required to apply creative problem solving, design theory, technology, and representation skills towards a design approach that addresses complex, real-world environmental design problems.
190. Proseminar in Landscape Architecture (1)
Seminar—1 hour. Lectures and discussion of critical issues in landscape architecture. May be repeated three times for credit.