Diversity statements can be unique to each instructor and course they are teaching, but should always acknowledge the diversity of the campus community with the goal of promoting an inclusive teaching and learning environment. The Human Ecology JEDI Committee recommends including a diversity statement in your course syllabi. You may write your own statement or adopt/adapt the language recommended by the Human Ecology JEDI Committee. See the samples below.
Sample Statement I:
UC Davis is a diverse community comprised of individuals from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences, having many perspectives and identities, with distinct needs and goals. We recognize that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground. Together we must create a safe, inclusive, and equitable learning community for all our members. Creating this inclusive learning community of care is an important strategy in implementing our UC Davis Principles of Community.
Sample Statement II:
UC Davis is a diverse community comprised of individuals from a multitude of backgrounds and experiences, having many perspectives and identities, with distinct needs and goals. We recognize that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground. Together we must create a safe, inclusive, and equitable learning community for all our members. Doing so advances our own knowledge and expresses our care and respect for one another. Through active engagement with course materials and with your own experiences and perspectives, we will learn more about how diversity increases our own awareness and knowledge around major course themes. Members of our community are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity, to refrain from displays of inappropriate anger or intimidating conduct, to shun epithets or abusive language, and to find effective means to disagree, to persuade and to inform through rational discussion. We also endeavor to make course materials equitable, accessible and inclusive to all students. Suggestions to increase access and inclusion of course materials and activities are encouraged and appreciated. Creating this inclusive learning community of care is an important strategy in implementing our UC Davis Principles of Community.