Position Title
- Landscape Architecture + Environmental Design
Professor Steven Greco's research centers on the relationships and interactions between natural and cultural landscape systems. With a B.Sc. in landscape architecture and M.S. and Ph.D. in ecology, Steve draws from a wide range of theory and methodology ranging from ecological sciences to planning/urban design and computer sciences, to examine to what degree natural systems can be sustained in cultural landscapes and to devise ways in which both can co-exist equitably and prosperously.
In addition to teaching site and landscape ecology to undergraduate students, and graduate seminars in landscape ecology and GIS, Greco founded and heads the Landscape Analysis and Systems Research (LASR) Laboratory, which employs several graduate students conducting research on patterns and regenerative processes of habitats for terrestrial vertebrates. Steve has received several major grants, most recently from the California Department of Water Resources, to study the patterns of riparian vegetation and processes shaping their structure and change through time on the Sacramento River. He also continues to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of scientists to develop a predictive model of landscape dynamics on the Sacramento River between the cities of Red Bluff and Colusa (over 100 river-miles), and is actively working on wetland restoration protocols and designs for an urban ecology project at the UC Davis campus.
- Landscape Ecologist and GIS Programmer Analyst, UC John Muir Institute of the Environment, 06/97-06/99
- Resource Assessment Specialist/GIS Programmer, UC Davis, John Muir Institute of the Environment, 11/98-08/99
- Ecologist (Consultant) CALFED/USBR, Sacramento, CA 8/98-02/99
- Assistant Planner, GIS Analyst, UC Davis Arboretum, 09/95-03-97
- Landscape Ecologist/GIS Analyst, CA Department of Water Resources, 04/95-05/97
- GIS Analyst, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Experimental Station, 10/93-09/95
- GIS Analyst/Consultant, Filoli Center, Woodside, CA, 07/95-09/96
PhD of Ecology, University of California, Davis
M.S. of Ecology, University of California, Davis
B.S. of Landscape Architecture, University of California, Davis