Position Title
- Community & Regional Development
Jonathan London is an educator, researcher, and community-builder with experience in participatory research, rural community development, and community engaged planning.
Jonathan’s research addresses conflicts and collaboration in natural resource and environmental management, with a particular emphasis on environmental justice in rural communities. His early research focused on conflicts over forest management in the Sierra Nevada and currently works throughout the Central and Coachella Valley.
Jonathan directs the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, which serves as a catalyst for multi-disciplinary and policy-oriented research that informs the building of healthy, prosperous, equitable, and sustainable regions in California and beyond.
Jonathan holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Brown University, a Master’s Degree in City and Regional Planning, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science Policy and Management from UC Berkeley.
Courses Taught
Fall 2016: CRD 147
Youth/ Community Development
Spring 2017: CRD 149
Community Development Perspectives on Environmental Justice
Fall 2016: CRD 240
Community Development Theory
Select Publications
Karner, Alex, and Jonathan London. "Rural Communities and Transportation Equity in California’s San Joaquin Valley." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2452 (2014): 90–97.
London, J., Greenfield, T., Zagofsky T. “Revealing the Invisible Coachella Valley: Putting Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities on the Map.” California Institute for Rural Studies (2013).
London, Jonathan, et al. "Growing Community-University Research Partnerships in the San Joaquin Valley." Environmental Justice 6.2 (2013): 62-70.
London, Jonathan, et al. "Racing climate change: Collaboration and conflict in California's global climate change policy arena." Global Environmental Change 23.4 (2013): 791-799.
Huang, Ganlin, and Jonathan London. "Mapping cumulative environmental effects, social vulnerability, and health in the San Joaquin Valley, California." American journal of public health 102.5 (2012): 830-832.
Huang, Ganlin, and Jonathan K. London. "Cumulative environmental vulnerability and environmental justice in California’s San Joaquin Valley." International journal of environmental research and public health 9.5 (2012): 1593-1608.
Liévanos, R., J. London, and J. Sze. "Uneven transformations and environmental justice: Regulatory science, street science, and pesticide regulation in California." Technoscience and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement (2011): 201-228.
London, Jonathan K., et al. "Collaboration, Participation and Technology: The San Joaquin Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Project." Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement 4 (2011): 12-30.
London, Jonathan, and Nancy Erbstein. "Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions: Informing Action for the Nine County Capital Region and Its Youth." Sierra Health Foundation (2011).
London, Jonathan, Ganlin Huang, and Tara Zagofsky. "Land of Risk/Land of Opportunity: Cumulative Environmental Vulnerability in California's San Joaquin Valley." (2011): 3.
Shilling, Fraser M., Jonathan K. London, and Raoul S. Liévanos. "Marginalization by collaboration: Environmental justice as a third party in and beyond CALFED." environmental science & policy 12.6 (2009): 694-709.
Sze, Julie, et al. "Defining and Contesting Environmental Justice: Socio‐natures and the Politics of Scale in the Delta." Antipode 41.4 (2009): 807-843.
Sze, Julie, et al. "Best in show? Climate and environmental justice policy in California." Environmental Justice 2.4 (2009): 179-184.
London, Jonathan K., Julie Sze, and Raoul S. Lievanos. "Problems, promise, progress, and perils: Critical reflections on environmental justice policy implementation in California." UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 26 (2008): 255.
Sze, Julie, and Jonathan K. London. "Environmental justice at the crossroads." Sociology Compass 2.4 (2008): 1331-1354.
Richardson Jr, James A., and Jonathan K. London. "Strategies and lessons for reducing persistent rural poverty: A social justice approach to funding rural community transformation." Community Development 38.1 (2007): 92-107.
London, Jonathan K. "Power and pitfalls of youth participation in community-based action research." Children Youth and Environments 17.2 (2007): 406-432.
London, J., P. F. Starrs, and L. Fortmann. "Power plants and forest plans: Two decades of mobilization in a mountain forest community." Communities and Forests: Where People Meet the Land (2005): 78-96.
London, Jonathan K., et al. "American Indian management of federal lands: the Maidu cultural and development group." Nontimber forest products in the United States (2002): 327-344.
Related Links
Ph.D., Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Specialization in rural social science and natural resource policy. University of California, Berkeley, 2001.