Process for requesting building access via AggieAccess
Hunt Hall
AggieAccess credentials act as a key, granting the user electronic access to areas secured by AggieAccess. The credentials come in the form of an AggieAccess card or mobile credentials. With Aggie Access, you can enter Hunt Hall after hours and on weekends.
Use the request link below for new or replacement credentials.
When filling out the Aggie Access online form, enter Saif Hamid as the Key Control Manager and program director (Claire Napawan) as the PI.
If you have already received an email invitation and need assistance setting up your mobile application or need access turned on, please get in touch with
Eichhorn Family House
1. Students send access requests to business office:
2. Business office replies with link to request form: and copies PI if applicable, asking if the PI would like to set an expiration date.
3. Once PI Approval is obtained, and end user sucessfully installs the app, email is sent to the key
control manager,
There are two main technical steps for granting access. The first step consists of adding a user to the
AggieAccess system, which will be done by the Police department. The request can be made via which is the link from step 2 above. Once added
the user will receive an email with instructions for downloading the mobile app, along with an invitation
code. If the code expires before a user can setup the app a new code will need to be requested.
Once the user has accepted the request, they will be in the AggieAccess system. Now Human Ecology IT
will be able to grant the user access to HE controlled doors, which currently consist of the Eichhorn
Family House front door and the SE entrance of Hunt Hall.