Position Title
Professor Emerita
- Community and Regional Development
Interests: Gender and development, tourism, women and agriculture, small-scale agriculture, regional geography of the Caribbean, Brazil, Central America, Eastern Europe, and South Asia
In 2007 Janet was awarded the Janice Monk award of the Association of American Geographers for services to feminist geography and also the Edward Heath Award of the Royal Geographical Society for services to the geography of gender and development.
Janet was awarded the University Graduate Mentorship Award in February of 2003. She is pictured below with the Chancellor (right) and the Chair of the Academic Senate (left).
Courses Taught
Organization of Economic Space (CRD 141)
Rural Change in the Industrialized World (CRD 142)
Theory and Practive of Geography (GEO 200C)
Geography Graduate Seminar (GEO 298)
Gender and Environment (IAD 104)
Books Published
Henshall, Janet D. and R. P. Momsen, Jr. A Geography of Brazilian Development, G. Bell & Sons Ltd., London. 305 p. 2nd edition, 1976.
Momsen, Janet D. with Women and Geography Study Group of Institute of British Geographers. Geography and Gender. Hutchinson, London. 200 p., 1984.
Momsen, Janet D. and J. Townsend (eds.). Geography of Gender in the Third World. Hutchinson, London 424 p., 1987.
Besson, Jean and Janet D. Momsen (eds.). Land and Development in the Caribbean. Macmillan, London. 228 p., 1987.
Momsen, Janet D. Women and Development in the Third World. Routledge, London. 115 p., 1991. Published in Japanese by Kokon Shoin Ltd, 1999.
Momsen, Janet H. and Vivian Kinnaird (eds) Different Places: Different Voices. Gender and Development in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Routledge: London and New York. 304 p., 1993.
Momsen, Janet H. (Editor) Women and Change in the Caribbean: A Pan-Caribbean Perspective. Ian Randle: Kingston, Jamaica; Indiana University Press: Bloomington and Indianapolis; and James Currey: London, 1993.
Momsen, Janet H. St Lucia. ABC-Clio Press: Oxford, 1996.
Momsen, Janet H. (ed.) Gender, Migration and Domestic Service in Global Context. Routledge: London and New York, 1999.
Momsen, Janet H. And M.B. Swain (eds.). Gender, Tourism, Fun? Cognizant Communication Corporation: New York. 2002.
Momsen, Janet H. Gender and Development. Routledge: London and New York, 2004.
Momsen, Janet H. with Iren Szorenyine Kukorelli and Judit Timar. Gender at the Border: Rural Entrepreneurship in Hungary. Aldershot: Ashgate. 2005.
J. Pugh, J. and J.H. Momsen (eds.) Environment and Planning in the Caribbean, Ashgate:Aldershot. 2006.
Shahnaz Huq-Hussain, Amanat Ullah Khan and Janet Momsen Gender Atlas of Bangladesh, Dhaka: GSRC. 2006.
Jean Besson and J.H. Momsen (eds.) Land and Development in the Caribbean Revisited, Palgrave: New York, 2007.
Momsen, Janet D. (Editor) Gender and Development: Critical Concepts in Development Studies, 4 Volumes, Routledge, June 2008.
Ph.D., Geography. Kings College and London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London.