In order to conform to both the Information Security Policy 3 (IS-3, approved by UC President, Janet Napolitano, on September 7, 2018.) and the UC Cybersecurity Mandate 2025 (aka 'The Drake letter'), all software installed on University computers has to either be on the approved software list, or go through a review process.
The follow software has been approved in the standard use case by the Human Ecology IT Support Team for Data Classifications of P1/P2 and A1.
- Adobe Products
- Autodesk Products
- Box Drive
- Endnote
- Code42 Crashplan
- Google Drive
- Google Chrome
- MathWorks MATLAB
- Mendeley Desktop
- Microsoft Products
- Mozilla Firefox
- Posit RStudio
- Python
- Qualtrics
- R-project
- Safari Browser
- VLC Media Player
- Zoom
- Zotero
For any software that isn't on the list, a 'Protection Level Assessment' needs to be submitted using this form.