Position Title
Department Chair
- Human Development & Family Studies
Interests: Social-Emotional, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Health and Mental Health, Prevention Research, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Adolescence, Emerging Adulthood
Select Publications
de Guzman, N. S., & Nishina, A. (2014). A longitudinal study of body dissatisfaction and pubertal timing in an ethnically diverse adolescent sample. Body image, 11(1), 68-71.
Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., You, J. I., & Ma, T. L. (2012).School context protective factors against peer ethnic discrimination across the high school years. American journal of community psychology, 49(1-2), 98-111.
Nishina, A., Ammon, N. Y., Bellmore, A. D., & Graham, S. (2006). Body dissatisfaction and physical development among ethnic minority adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Special Issue: Body Image, 35, 179-191.
Juvonen, J., Nishina, A., & Graham, S. (2006). Ethnic diversity and perceptions of safety in urban middle schools. Psychological Science, 17, 393-400.
Witkow, M. R., Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Graham, S. (2005). Mutual antipathies during early adolescence: More than just rejection. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29, 209-218
Nishina, A., & Juvonen, J. (2005). Daily reports of witnessing and experiencing peer harassment in middle school. Child Development, 76, 435-450.
Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Witkow, M. R., (2005). Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will make me feel sick: The consequences of peer harassment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34, 37-48.
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles.
M.A. University of California, Los Angeles.